Website hosting is how you make your content available to search engines and public consumption. The goal is to setup your own hosting plan. To accomplish this there are several methods.

Two Methods To Complete First Step

Deciding who will be your website host service is first step.

You either hire your own website hosting company or the folks making your website design will host your website on their server and include that in your billing.

Type Of Website Hosting

The goal is to setup your own hosting plan. To accomplish this there are several methods.

At a typical hosting company you can use a shared hosting plan, a unique IP address plan, or a VPS (virtual Private Server) plan. A typical website uses a share hiring plan. If you want faster speeds that a unique IP plan is what you want. If you are looking for a long term host service where you can have your own space and somewhat customize it then you want a VPS plan. Other options include, for a enterprise business, would be cloud hosting.

Many websites today use WordPress for a platform and almost all website hosting company services include that platform for free.

Green Geeks is a quality website hosting company.

Access To Hosting Services

There are two methods to place or transfer, also called publish, your files onto your website host. One is using FTP and the other is using your website platform to publish the files.

FTP uses free software to you install on your computer to send the files to your website host. Or, you can log into your CPANEL account on your website host, open the “File Manager” function, and upload the website files into the root directory that is usually "public_html".

Email Services

The advantage with your own website hosting plan is that email is free. Conversely, using a website hosting service from a company as GoDaddy, means you pay for your email and then that fee increases depending on email volume.

When using your own hosting plan, it will fortify your SEO if you connect your already established email to your website hosting account using the POP method. For example, your have an existing gmail account you have been using. Setup your email address in your website hosting plan and then go over to your gmail account and integrate those account into your existing account. The existing account will automatic check for new email and can also be setup to send mail from your domain that is used on your website hosting plan.

Available Space

The volume or apce has not been an issue that I have seen.

But before making a commitment to a website hosting company just verify that adequate space to store all your website file is under your control, which is spcae covering your web pages, images, videos, and so forth.

Bandwidth Available

Most likely the bandwidth will be sufficent as is. But before making a commitment to a website hosting company just double check that what you have is gigabytes.

Steu Mann
April, 2024

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