Are you serious about success in online marketing with your website? Or, if you are shopping, which search engine provides the best results?

For the online marketing crowd, I propose three important questions to guide your searches.


The data dig I am sharing here points out important differences in search results between devices and browsers when using the various search engines.

My goal is to help you become more educated so you use the browser and device that brings you the most efficient search results.

The question, or the search item, I will be using for all the searches covered in this article is thus, “how does ai search work”.

The browsers will include Chrome, Brave and Safari.

The devices will be a cell phone, tablet, and desktop mac.

I am not signed in to any mega tech, EX: gmail, so NO personalized results are taking place in the screen shots being displayed. And, the history cache has been erased before doing this research.


Brave using Brave Search Engine

Chrome Using Google Search Engine

Mozilla (Firefox) Using DuckDuckGo Search Engine

Safari Using Yahoo Search Engine

Perspective And Benefits

From a marketing point of view, there are three key benefits based on new understandings from viewing those search results.

  1. Search engines, using the same search item, will have different results.
  2. The context of the search phrase, or how the “context” in search algorithm is defined, contributes significantly as to the makeup of displayed listings in search results.
  3. Brave is the browser that consistently provided quality AI responses.

Measuring Results

Now we have a more comprehensive knowledge to begin grasping what search engines produce what type of results.

For example, lets examine the phone search results.

Safari has its' first result as AI tool: GPT$ which is owned by Microsoft and its a paid result not an organic result.

Firefox first result is organic and shows a website explaining 9 AI search engines.

Chrome’s first result is a small bit from AI, and then shows 2 organic results of blogs that describe AI.

Brave shows a first result that is a blog with a title leading me to believe I will find everything necessary at that link.

For my time and money, of all these four phone results, I would begin with Brave since it has the best first step to get started.


The AI in Brave provided this info about browsers market share today, “According to recent statistics, Google Chrome has the largest market share with 67%, followed by Mozilla Firefox with 18.5%.”

Two Considerations


The AI in Brave provided this info about browsers market share today, “According to recent statistics, Google Chrome has the largest market share with 67%, followed by Mozilla Firefox with 18.5%.”


You have to dril down to some degree in order to optimize marketing results using AI in searches on your specific products/services.

First, when you ask specific questions you get specific answers. Here are examples of specific search results: here and here.

Second, when you are signed into your major tech account (EX: gmail) you are going to see different search results - with AI or without AI. Try it and prove it to yourself. Do a search and then sign in to gmail and do the search again, how do the results of the two searches compare?

When Google or Yahoo or another search engine wants to use your internet history, they ask you if you want “personalized” search results.

Sounds good doesn't it? Here is the rub.

One major stumbling block I have seen over the years is marketing folks basing their “search strategy - SEO tactics” based on thier very own personalized search results.

The brings into focus the issue that their prospective customers are not gong to see the same results as seen by those personalized results.

Hence, it may be a productive approach, to setup your “search strategy - SEO tactics” based on not being signed into big tech account (EX: gmail) and with the history cache of the browser erased. In this method, you are starting with a clean slate which is closer to mimicking search results your potential customers will view in their search engine items.

Million Dollar Questions

With this new understanding of search engine snad devices, I believe there are three neccessaty qustions to include in online makreting strag sessions.

  1. Is my target audience going to see search results as I see them (personalized) when I am signed into major tech account (EX: gmail)?
  2. What are the key phrases to be used by potential clients and how do I align my website content with those concepts?
  3. Where can I find reliable research on trends in search phrases being used today to correlate that info with phrases that match my products/services?


The process of identifying your website plan of development is ongoing.

Be sure your website is included in the Google Search Console before you begin working n improving your AI search results.

We all know that AI functions in search results is here to stay. As marketing people we need to take the steps to keep current with how to integrate AI from the perspective out our potential customers. All of the search engines are valuable tools.

I do find it interesting that no social media platforms were included in any search results on topics of this article.

It still seems the best approach to me to place my website links in my social media posts, which is an effort to bring people to my website that benefits me with more visitor traffic and also allows me opportunities to convert them to subscribers or buyers.

AI searches do benefit local businesses that I show using data digs here and [here]( /index.php).

Let me know if this information was useful for you and your business.

Steu Mann
30 June, 2024

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