Something surprising I found over the last couple of weeks is Grok’s abilities to present useful data digs.

Grok is the AI tool in that has unlimited usage one you become a premium subscriber.


Grok has increased its refinement of search queries since I began using it and I am sure this refinement process will continue, just like other search engines do.

If you are dong business marketing or researching vendors and/or products, I believe this info will be useful to you.

By the way, this data was collected using my cell from while logged into my X account with premium subscription.

Data Dig

I have five examples below where I used Grok to find local businesses or to collect data on a specific vendor, product or service.

After these results are three distinct benefits, visible today, to online businesses and individual buyers of services/product by using Grok searches.

Actually those three benefits also apply using browsers with AI function, it’s just that I am, at this time, really enjoying what Grog is providing and how that is accomplished: quickly with, useful data, and in a succinct delivery report.

We are gong to see AI functions ramp up in many ways and in many methods. My main goals is to show business owners hot to benefit from Grok by optimizing their content publishing system which informs the interact about their services and products.

Grok Research On Products & Vendors

Right now, we typical rely on third party resources to gain information about a potential product we ant to purchase or to establish credibility about a vendor on a future purchase being considered. For example, Angie's List, yellow pages, YELP and so forth, the list of thee resources is endless.

How about a tool that compiles info from all those lists, websites, and other information resources and gives you a suggestion or two in a very short amount o time?

Grok appears to be that AI tool.

Here are five recent examples I have collected.

In this case I used the website URL that is the vendor I want an opinion.

Question to Grok, “I am considering a purchase of a marble countertop for my home. In the Medford, Oregon area what do you know about"

In this case I used name of the vendor with a specific city since I was seeking an opinion about reputation.

Question to Grok, “I own several properties and need a reliable plumber to fix issues and do a maintenance plan. Is Smart Plumbing In Medford, Oregon a good fit for this project scope?"

Since I do website design and repair I asked a question about my own business to better understand how AI perceives my business services.

Question to Grok, “I have a business website that needs some repairs and also help to put my marketing together so I have better SEO results. Is EZ Web Company a company who you think will get this done for me?"

This search is more of a “regular use” application go Grok since I ask about good Mexican food restaurants in Tampa.

Question to Grok, “I am looking to go our with some friends and have a fun median dinner with good food. Do you haven restaurant suggestions in the Tampa area?"

This is another search that involves a simple question in a local area to receive insant knowledge on important skills: shoe repair which a necessary art and skill for every community.

Question to Grok, “My shoes need some repair to the soles. Do you have suggestions for shoe repair in the Tampa area?"

Perspective And Benefits

To provide a quick comparison on questions #4 and #5 above, i am show two search results below done with a browser using AI function. As you can see in the two results the results are very different than the search results using using Grok.

I believe variety is good and defiantly helps us understand how data is being assimilated in the machine.

Million Dollar Benefits

Two key areas of using AI browser functions or Grok include business marketing intelligence and conducting research on future products and services from a specific vendor or comparing vendors.

I see three useful benefits, as of today, which apply to both to both areas.

1.) Reputation Feedback

Grok provides instant, independent feedback on your business, or a business withing the scop of your question.

2.) Quality Referral

When Grok is asked a question about your business there is going to be a clear referral or clear misinterpretation. That result is dependent on the content you have been publishing on your website and third party services that have domain authority (EX: You Tube). So far, businesses that just use social media don’t seem to have any traction in Grog results. Maybe this will change in future Grog updated?

3.) Business Perception

What answer(s) Grog provide(s) relative to your business is a perception. If you don’t like the perception that is given you have the power to modify it. Simply adjust the content you publish along and more closely monitor facts/tools which determine the degree of your human based content and level of trust in in your business from independent sources.

AI searches do benefit local businesses and there is a big difference in search results depending on what device and browesr you use.

I hope this has been helpful. Let me now your thoughts and if you have any questions.

Steu Mann July, 2024


The process of identifying your website plan of development is ongoing.

Be sure your website is included in the Google Search Console before you begin working n improving your AI search results.

We all know that AI functions in search results is here to stay. As marketing people we need to take the steps to keep current with how to integrate AI from the perspective out our potential customers. All of the search engines are valuable tools.

I do find it interesting that no social media platforms were included in any search results on topics of this article.

It still seems the best approach to me to place my website links in my social media posts, which is an effort to bring people to my website that benefits me with more visitor traffic and also allows me opportunities to convert them to subscribers or buyers.

If you are new to AI search functions, you can get a better understanding about terms used and methods here and here.

Let me know if this information was useful for you and your business.

Steu Mann
30 June, 2024

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