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Website Repairs & Upgrades

Many people ask questions about website repairs that can include SEO upgrades or rears too.

I just published a new price sheet on this to hopefully simply the thinking about it.

The best approach is a discussion about where you want to be with your website and then letting me take a look at it to determine the scope of work that is necessary.

There are three main areas in dealing with repairs. One is content, second is appearance and functionality, and third is SEO or marketing.

Your website repair may be easy to you but in reality it requires modifications in all of those areas.

For example, let’s say you have had your website for several years but don’t see much website traffic or do not receive many inquires about your services.

Most likely your search tech is out of date. Another cause os that your content is not designed to the best SEO targets, which are words people use to find services like yours, in the search engines.

You benefit from my services because I have over 15 years of dealing with websites and search engines.

While you are not going to see results overnight from repairing your website, you will see results over time.

Common Questions

How much does website repair cost? Look over my website repairs that can include SEO upgrades pricing.

How do i determine what SEO strategy is best to reach potential customers? I like to use free tools available on the internet to examine search trends. One such tool is Google Ads and another tool is Google Trends. By searching on terms related to your products and services, along with comparing the websites of your competition, you can sept an initial strategy of target words and phrases.

What type os website do you work on? I work with all website platforms. Some examples are WIX, Wordpress, and Shopify.

Can you help me sell products from my website? I will design and install a solution to setup your online store, plus do that in a way that minimizes the fees you pay when sales are made. Check out this shopping cart comparison I published recently.


As you may have found out in looking around for services to accomplish your requires, there are different methods and varying prices.

This is my “exchange value” proposition to you.

I believe you will benefit, your business will benefit, by exchanging the website you have, according to a scope of work that we have discussed and where I have provided a written estimate with a work schedule, my proposition is that you will be satisfied with the outcome in your newly repaired and unguarded online business showcase.

Monday October 21st, 2024
Monday September 23rd, 2024

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